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Applicants are eligible to get tickets from KulturZeit if they or their relatives living in a common household receive benefits according to SGB II, SGB XII (Social Security Statute Books) or AsylbLG (Asylum Seeker Benefits Act). The same applies if they receive a housing benefit according to the Housing Allowance Act or a child supplement according to the Federal Child Benefit Act.
Household members who are not subject to benefits according to SGB II (e.g. adolescents getting an apprenticeship pay) have to prove their eligibility based on the income limits stated below.

According to §§ 11 SGB II and 82 SGB XII tickets can also be given to people whose total monthly income does not exceed a certain limit. In 2019 the maximum income of the head of the household is €829 and for any other member of the household it is €455. For disabled people the limit is €85 higher (degree of disability: 50 %). The adaptation of the standard rates of the SGB II and the income limits are adapted parallely. 

Benefits from the Federal Child Benefits Act, child allowances according to the Income Tax Act, the minimum parental allowance according to § 2 section 4 of the Federal Parental Benefit Act and basic pensions according to the Federal Supply Act and the Victims Conpensation Act are not taken into account.

The decisive criterion is the household members’ income of the past three months. The income total must be proved on the basis of wage slips, income tax assessments, pension notices etc. In justified individual cases (e.g. in case of substantial income changes) a different arrangement can be made.

Kulturlöwe Niederrhein e.V.